Barbie Pasta Buy Online
Make your family time special with Pasta Di Martino and Barbie

Pasta Di Martino goes pink together with Barbie to communicate a playful, fun and nurturing project.
Discover delicious and nutritious family pasta recipes co-created with the Experimental Medicine department of the University of Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli. This global partnership aims at promoting family time as well as the right to food and play for everyone. Each purchase supports Food for Soul’s mission to empower social responsibility, save food from waste and nourish those who need it most
The Barbie Collection
With Barbie and Food for Soul

The global partnership with Mattel aims at promoting family time as well as the right to sustainable food and play for everyone. With each purchase of Di Martino Barbie Pasta, a portion will go to support Food for Soul, the international non-profit association founded by Michelin-Star chef Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore
Together with Barbie and the Experimental Medicine department of the Luigi Vanvitelli University in Campania, we created delicious family recipes that inspire a healthy lifestyle, promote proper nutrition and raise awareness child obessity, sustainability and food waste
With Barbie and the University of Campania